Tuesday 8 March 2016

Production - Front Cover Development

I really liked the layout of this front cover, therefore I decided to develop this one. I started from the original one I included in my mock ups. I then adjusted the image as I was having problems with having the masthead stand out from the background. Due to the trees in the background this made it hard. Therefore I enlarged the image and moved it up slightly. I decided to change the blue box backing the image of the previous masthead, and instead left it with a outline of the textbook. I then changed the typography to be capital letters and I altered the colour to be blue.
I did this as I wanted it to stand out above the main image. I then decided to add coverlines to the front cover this is because one of the cons of my mock up was that it might be too simple. I used the same typography of the masthead which was Indie Summer. This creates a good composition as it creates a good composition, I then added another coverline to the bottom right of the cover. I then added a blue border around the text as I thought this created a good style to the front cover. I positioned the other coverline above the barcode as i think it creates a good path for the eye. I also made sure that the coverlines didn't cover the models face as I wanted to make sure that was the focal point of the front cover. Overall I think its appropriate for our genre, however I'm unsure on whether the Masthead works well enough and be read easily. I think main image works well as it is vibrant and eye-catching. I think the colour composition works well as the cover lines are mostly white and the blue coincides with the models clothing and sunglasses. I think it a artistic and stylish cover fit for our genre.

To improve the masthead I decided to test out a previous idea for a masthead we came up with when planning. We used this font for other Mock-ups and we really liked the look of it. I created the masthead and used Arial Black as the typography. This is because it is bold and stands out against the background.  Arial was a popular font in our magazine and I think by using it for our masthead this will appeal to our audience more. However to improve I would add another layer on top of the black as it will make the masthead more stylish and eye-catching. I decided I wanted it to be quite large so I adjusted the size to be big and bold.

For the next step I added another version of the masthead, I then altered the colour to be white. This was one of our designs from the planning stage and think by including it this shows our progress and how we have experimented with other mastheads. I made sure that the second layer was the same size as the first and positioned it to be on top of the first masthead. I positioned the white layer to be slightly to the right of the black, this makes it look like a shadow effect on the white which I like. I again used Arial Black and the font and make sure it was bold.
This is how it turned out. Overall I think it works quite well. I like how the masthead stands out more and the black copy gives the white a shadow. I think this type of cover fits the genre of our magazine as it trendy and stylish. I think the cover looks professional and interesting with the colour composition and the image we have used. I also really like the font we have chosen ( Indie Summer) as it fits the genre of our magazine really well. To improve I will think about changing the colour of the masthead from white to blue as I think this may work better. A con of this front cover could be that the white might still be lost in the background. I will go on to improve this cover in Pages for my final draft.

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