Friday 18 March 2016

Evaluation Question 6 Technologies

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout out the process of creating our magazine, I have been able to expend my knowledge about technology and experiment on new platforms of presenting my work. Before AS media I had never worked on blogger before, however now I am able to upload a range of material as well being able to embed my work in different formats.

I have also used a range of software including Photoshop, Adobe Bridge and InDesign. I have used photoshop when editing my photos, I was able to adjust them to fit the image of my magazine as well as creating a professional looking images. We edited most of our images which ended up in our magazine, which was useful to make our magazine look more professional. For example, for our front cover when editing it on photoshop I adjusted the contrast and brightness of the colours.
I think this created a nice effect as it brightened the blues on the image which helped it stand out more and complimented the typography of the masthead and coverlines.
InDesign was useful when creating our mock ups as it enabled us to use templates of magazine layouts. We were able to layout our contents page,front cover and double page spread and try out different layouts and formats when deciding our final products.
Adobe Bridge was also useful when we wanted to produce contact sheets from our photos-shoots, this software allowed us to preview all our images into a contact sheet and we were able to adjust that into which images we wanted by selecting them. The programme also allowed us to export the contact sheets as PDFs.
When uploading my work to my blog, during the start of my blog I didn't know how to upload in different formats. Throughout the progress of my work I have been able to progress and expand my knowledge when uploading posts. I have shown a range of formats to upload my work including Powerpoint online. This allowed me to make presentations to showcase my work, I then would embed the presentation into the HTML section on my upload. This creates an interactive powerpoint straight onto my blog.
Another platform I have used is SlideShare, this site helps you make presentations uploading straight from your computer. I have found it very useful when uploading posts. I think this shows my understanding of technology and how I have improved with my understanding overtime throughout this project. When I have made my online presentation I then embed the link into the HTML section and upload it straight to my blog.
Prezi is an intereactive presentation constructor, which I think is a really effective way to illustrate my work and ideas. Prezi allows you to create a fun and interactive presentation, you can change the theme of the post adjust the colour scheme and add images. Again when I have created the Prezi, I copy the embedded link into the HTML section and upload it to my blog.

Throughout my project, I also had to used hardware products and technologies such as computers and  cameras. Computers were needed for majority of our work as we used them to edit out blogs, our images, create our posts, write up our work and upload to our blog. The computers we were used were iMacs, they worked relatively well and held a lot of useful programmes such as Photoshop and InDeisgn. The internet was also an important part of our work, for example all of the platforms including Prezi and Slideshare had to be accessed on the internet. However there were some internet troubles throughout our coursework as some sites were blocked. Computers and the internet were very important and useful parts whilst creating my product. Fortunately I had a Nikon D2500 camera , from my GCSE photography,  which we were able to use when carrying out our Photoshoots. As a group we were all experienced with a camera and knew how to work it, therefore our Photoshoots were easy to carry out and we were able to use a professional camera. By using a professional camera we able to produce quality photos and fulfil a professional looking Photoshoot.
Due to having experience with Photoshop and Cameras during Photography, this gave us an idea of how to edit photos and how what goes into creating a good photograph. However despite having these skills, we still found it hard to adapt when editing photos for a magazine. As we were used to editing photos and make decisions for ourselves. Whereas when editing photos and drafts for our magazines we have to adjust and make sure our magazine and images would fit the general conventions of other major magazines. We were soon able to overcome this issue and adjust our photography skills in order to create a music magazine.

An issue we had come across when editing our mock ups/final drafts on pages was that we wanted to use a downloaded font on our magazine. At first we were unable to transfer the downloaded font (Indie Summer) into Pages to access and use. We tried a variety of ways in order to solve this problem but didn't have that much success. After asking various classmates, we then referred to the internet and searched for an answer. We found a video of Youtube which was a step by step tutorial of how to solve our problem. I will link this video down at the bottom of the post as I found it very helpful. We were then able to use our downloaded font Indie Summer, and therefore it became a very popular font within our house style and music magazine. This also meant we were more familiar with working on the Macs, and it widened our skills when editing our magazine drafts. 

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