Thursday 10 March 2016

Production - Double Page Spread Development

For our double page spread, we created this on Pages. We decided to spread the main image across the two pages as we think it will fit the genre of our magazine. We decided to use the Indie Summer font for our masthead as it is stylish and fun, I think it works well with the main image. We layered the masthead twice which creates a nice effect as it backs the purple typography and helps it stand out. We then added other images from our photoshoots, we decided to edit these to be polaroids. This creates an edgy and vintage effect to the double page spread, this definitely fits the image of our magazine as our readership profile showed that vintage was very popular within our audience. We then tried positioning the pollards around the page and put them in the bottom left corner. This creates a good and balanced composition. We then added captions to the polaroids with a stylish typography to give the impression of handwriting. We then added the article to the right side of the page, however we had trouble with it standing out in front of the background. We then decided to add a colour box around the text which really helps it stand out. I think it also creates a good colour composition as it compliments the masthead. We will experiment with best colour to go with for the masthead and box for our final draft.

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