Friday 18 March 2016

Evaluation Question 4 Audience

Who would be the audience of your magazine?
From the very start of our process we had decided to go with Indie Rock for our genre of music magazine. This is because we liked that genre of music and therefore we were able to understand what an audience of indie rock would like. From our research and survey results we found that our target audience was mainly the younger generation and we had to attract both male and females. Our age range was about mid teens - 30s. However we mainly focused on attracting the younger section of our audience.

When creating our mood boards and readership profile we included lots of bands and artists which we would take inspiration from. Bands we highlighted were Wolf Alice, Haim, Catfish and the bottlemen and the 1975. These bands are popular and are all categorised as rock or indie rock, therefore we included them on our mood boards. We also researched other music including bands like Oasis and Blur as this would attract the older section of our audience.

Since we as a group are interested in indie rock we looked at our own interests and what bands we liked which fit into the genre. This helped when researching what our audience would like as we are interested in indie rock.
We also researched clothing and brands which are associated with indie rock, the images of Wolf Alice and Catfish and the bottlemen showcase some of the clothing choices which are associated with indie rock. The genre indie rock is associated with laid back, trendy, and cool clothing. Vintage and grungey clothing is also very popular within the genre as well as brands like Topshop/Topman and sports brands like Adidas and Nike. We have seen this type of fashion when going to festivals which associated with indie rock as well as online on websites like Tumblr. Indie rock has been very popular on this type as it a trendy and quirky platform for teenagers to express themselves. Indie rock is definitely associated with fashion and style. Therefore we have researched into the clothing and style of which artists of indie rock and the audience.

When taking photos for our magazine we were conscious to incorporate the right style of our audience and we wanted to reflect our audience's image throughout out magazine. When styling our models for the photo-shoots we chose clothing which was loose and casual but also included a celebrity element to it. For example, in our first shoot we had our models were clothing which would be expected to be seen within our audience. We choose a plaid shirt for one of our models, and a acid-washed shirt for the other model. We paired the shirts up with ripped jeans or just skinny jeans. The outfits we chose would definitely be worn by our audience, therefore our models would be seen as trendy as well as trendsetters. By adding sunglasses this would add a cool and rock-star element to the models, making them more authentic band members. This type of fashion would be seen throughout the indie rock audience as well as at music festivals. The body language throughout our photos is quite relaxed and laid back, this is because we wanted the models to have a cool attitude as many indie rock artists photoshoots show them to be quite chilled out.

We then decided to add a guitar as a prop, this reflects our image and genre as many indie rock bands include guitars. The models look interested and soulful with their instrument. This creates an authentic image of a band as they are including their instruments. Throughout our research we have noticed that guitars and associated with rock and indie rock, therefore by including it we are following many conventions of other rock/indie rock magazines. This would mean hopefully our audience would be attracted to our magazine as we have followed conventions of other music magazines as well as challenging conventions by including more artist photos. We took inspiration from INDIE style magazine as we wanted to include style and a quirkiness to our magazine.

We experimented with taking more artistic and quirky photos like the INDIE style magazine, usually having a photo like this as a front cover is uncommon for music magazines. This means we have challenged general conventions of magazines. However hopefully this will mean our magazine will stand out as we have created a cool and quirky magazine which will attract our audience. As well as this we have included images (above) which follow general conventions and would be relatable to our audience. We have decided to keep the price of our magazine relatively cheap which means our audience/social group will be able to afford it. Meaning more people will buy it. Also a positive of it being cheaper than other leading magazines may mean more of our audience will chose to pick up our magazine. When we had finished creating our magazine, we were happy with the results. As indie rock fans ourselves we feel that the magazine fulfils the needs of an indie rock audience. We have created a stylish and professional looking magazine as well including quirky and different feature to other music magazines.

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