Monday 8 February 2016

Font Testing and Masthead/Logo Planning

Arial - Pros: Simple, Easy to read, would appeal to most audiences. Cons: Could be seen as too simple, could be overly used. This font was included in my survey, as this font was the most popular of all the fonts. This font was well received by our audience, therefore this would be a good font to include in the magazine. The font would fit our genre as it is simple and would tie in well with the magazine. Being easy to read and simple this means it will benefit and appeal to readers. 
Calibri - Pros: Easy to read, Simple, Sophisticated. Cons: Does it fit the genre?, Audiences of our survey show they would prefer other fonts. This font would be a good idea for our magazine as it is simple and easy to read, this would appeal to our audience. The font would fit the image for our magazine as it is sophisticated and readable. This is font will be considered for the magazine.  
New Times Roman- Pros: Sophisticated, Simple. Cons: Dated, doesn't really fit the genre. The font is simple and sophisticated, however this font could be seen as dated and too sophisticated for our genre. The indie rock genre is fun and exciting and the font might not really appeal to the audience of the indie rock genre. With the audience of indie being mostly made up of the younger generation, this font may not appeal to that generation but sway more to older generation. We want the font we choose to appeal to majority of our audience and therefore be flexible.  
Arial Black- Pros: Bold and striking, eye-catching, simple. Cons: too thick, quite small. This font is very striking and would catch readers eyes which is a good quality. However this font might not be the right font to suite the genre, this is because it is quite a bold font. Another reason is due to being so thick this means it would take up a lot of space on the pages. This also might mean that the font is hard to read, this wouldn't appeal to older generations.  
Comic Sans MS- Pros: Unique, Cartoon like, Easy to read. Cons: Not sophisticated enough, childlike. This font has good aspects to it as it simple and easy to read. However this would not fit the image of the magazine and indie rock genre as it isn't a very sophisticated font. This would lower the image of the magazine as we want to appeal to audiences as a serious magazine company. This font also might not appeal to the older generations as it almost unprofessional for a serious magazine.  
Courier New- Pros: Type-writer effect, unique and different. Cons: Doesn't fit the image of a magazine. This font is simple and easy to read so this would benefit audiences. However this will not be used for our magazine as this font doesn't fit the genre and overall the image of a magazine. The font is quite thin and has the effect of a type-writer which doesn't really fit the image of indie rock. Indie rock is very current whereas this font is slightly too sophisticated for the magazine. 

Masthead Planning: 
We started with a basic Arial font as this was the most popular font shown in the results of my survey. I decided to add two copies on top of each other as this created a shadow effect, overall the finish looked quite simple (bottom left). We then tried out a different type of font which is shown above which was a more sophisticated and fancy font (middle left). I quite liked this font however I don't think this type of font suites the genre of our magazine. We took inspiration from another magazine called NME and INDIE. These magazines showed to have bold lettering with bright/simple colours. We took this idea and it inspired the middle fonts. I first tried a fully black bold font. I then tested out blue and red versions. I think the blue was the best version, however red was picked more by our respondents in our survey. I also tested out writing the rest of the words in white along the large lettering. I quite liked this effect. I then tested this idea out on a white version which I think as my favourite as it simple and readable. I think this fits the image of the magazine the most. I think the bold lettering is stylish and simple which makes it quite effective.

This will appeal to our audience as the audience is majority the younger generation, which are very on trend and stylish. This would also appeal to our audience as it is easy to read and understand for the older generations. 


  1. Why did you choose to take out the 'indie now' from your masthead?

    Justify in a comment below.

  2. We decided to remove 'Indie Now' from our masthead as we are thinking about using another font throughout our magazine which will fit our genre more. I think overall the I.N works well by itself as it is simple and effective. We are going to experiment with using other fonts as well as this masthead.
