Thursday 7 January 2016

Users and Gratification theory- Research


Uses and Gratification theory
The theory is a well-known audience centred approach to understanding mass communication. It is derived from theories affected by media which question, for example “what do people do with the media?” and “what does media do to people?”

Audiences tend to seek out certain types of media messages in order to fulfil their existing needs. The need is anticipated beforehand so media effects are bound to be beneficial rather than malign if you agree with this approach. The media is goal-oriented due to active audiences seeking out their needs.

Some uses and gratifications:
·      Information: able to find out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world.  People are able to also seek advice on practical opinions and matters and decision choices can be affected.
·      Integration and Social Interaction: People are able to gain insight into circumstances of others- social empathy. There is a sense of social solidarity and belong with others. People are able to find a basis for conversation and social interaction. People are able to connect with family, friends and society, and are able to feel companionship.
·      Personal Identity: People are able to indentify with others and valued opinions. People are finding reinforcement for personal values and finding models of behaviour.
·      Entertainment: People can find an escape or be taken away from their problems. It can be seen as relaxing and can also find emotional, sexual release as well as just enjoying time and filling time.

 There are three stages to how media can influence an audience:
·      Strong: this is supported by Agenda-setting theory, Magic Bullet theory and Propaganda. This means the audience is passive.
·      Medium: Supported by Two-flow step theory.
·      Weak: Supported by Uses and gratification theory, which shows an audience being active.
The Internet had increased the developed of the newer media, as it is more convenient for the audience to satisfy their gratification.

Analysis of Contents page:

Information: The information on the page is fulfilling the needs of the reader.  The issue number of the magazine and the date is clearly marked on the page. The contents of the magazine is also clearly marked as well as information and pictures being presented nicely. 

Integration and Social Interaction: There areas which help social interaction as there are interviews with bands and people, as well as competitions which can involve the readers. ‘This could be you!’ encourages the sense of inclusiveness and helps people have a feeling of solidarity. 

Personal Identity: People can use the magazine for their interests and musical needs. People passionate about music will be able to gain a lot of insight from the magazine. For example, if someone were a big fan of the band All Time Low this would be a good article for the reader to meet the band.

Entertainment: The magazine has a lot of different articles and information to entertain a reader. The theme of the magazine is full of colour and also contains pictures, as well as quizzes and interactive pages for the reader. For example, at the bottom of the page there is ‘THE ULTIMATE ROCKSTAR TEST’.

1 comment:

  1. "There are three stages to how media can influence an audience:

    · Strong: this is supported by Agenda-setting theory, Magic Bullet theory and Propaganda. This means the audience is passive.

    · Medium: Supported by Two-flow step theory.

    · Weak: Supported by Uses and gratification theory, which shows an audience being active.

    The Internet had increased the developed of the newer media, as it is more convenient for the audience to satisfy their gratification."

    Can you show your understanding of this part of the theory by explaining it further?
